A Shattering Panic

I saw the last light in my eyes go
out as tears blurred
my vision and my mind went
I heard what I knew to be the shattering
of glass, as the now dark
and lifeless chandelier fell
from the ceiling of my mind
My soul used to dance
here, in the Great Hall, back
when every candle on the chandelier was lit
I used to come here to dance
with my daydreams, to visit
with my fond memories, to be
inspired by the prismatic colors
that hung in the air from the starry light hanging
from the center of the room
Over time, a dark wind entered,
and like the low hum of a whisper, it went
unnoticed, for I was too busy dancing
while it slowly blew out a candle
here and there, until darkness set in
My daydreams became
nightmares, my fond memories hidden
from my sight, and the colors blew
away with the wind until there was
just one candle left
I was too scared to dance
in the darkness, so I sat
in a corner and cried silently, a panic building
up as I waited for the day when the last
light would go out
I knew it would go
When it finally happened,
it was a deafening chaos like no other--for the dark
wind's final gust had ripped
the chandelier from the ceiling, crashing
into the darkness and tearing
my soul apart into millions of tiny glass shards, cutting
me from the inside until I went
I couldn't breathe--shards of glass stabbed
my sides and lodged themselves in
between my ribs with each desperate breath and
once steady inhalation became
hyperventilation as my body shook
Stars of glass clouded
my vision as my eyes rolled
back into my head like a game of glass marbles
I broke
And now I'm left picking
up the pieces in the dark, and
it's tricky and exhausting and painful, as
you have to watch
your step and how you place
the pieces in your hands, or you will surely cut
There are so many
pieces, and I can't see
the design I'm building
in the dark, nor do
all the little pieces fit
together like they used to
So I've decided to create
a new design--I can't put
it down on paper, but when I close
my eyes I see it, newly lit
with ethereal light from the Heavens above, a glass
galaxy twinkling, flooding
my mind with light
And hope that I will dance
in the Great Hall again
So well put!