My 2022 Theme + Vision Board

We're halfway through January + I'm only just now having the chance to think about my theme for 2022.
I started out the new year by getting COVID (more on this later), + now that I'm feeling better + on my last day of quarantine, I can plan + actually "start" the new year!
Last year I created a vision board + decided a theme for 2021-- I liked the practice so much that I've decided to make it a tradition that I do every year!
My theme for 2021 was from Psalm 37:7:
"Rest in the Lord + wait patiently for Him."
I've thought a lot about what I want my theme for 2022 to be, + I finally decided on one word:
During 2021 I started making the transition away from toxic ingredients in my life, so this year I want to really commit to it in all areas:
- skincare
- cleaning products
- food
I've been educating myself on all of the toxic ingredients + chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis, + it's insane!
So, my vision is to live a cleaner lifestyle than I have in the past + be more conscientious about what I expose my body to.
Vision Board
After I decided on my theme, I went straight to Pinterest + found images that went with my theme.
I saved all of the images + then went to Canva to create my digital vision board.
All I had to do was import my pictures, arrange them, + I was done!
Then I hit download (I chose PNG) + I had my finished vision board after just a few minutes.
Here is it below :)

*these photos are not my own
Visualization is such a great tool to use when you have goals of any kind.
Once you have your vision board, you can set it as your desktop or phone background so you can look at it each day + remind yourself of what you have set out to do.
If you are someone who loves being artsy + a chance to use your creativity, this would be a great little project for you--it's a chance for you to spend some time with yourself + make something beautiful in the process.

The next time you have a snow day or a free afternoon, make yourself a nice beverage, turn on some music or your favorite show, + start visualizing your year.
I've already made several life adjustments to go with my "clean" theme, + I'll be sharing with you all here on the blog soon!
Do you have a theme for 2022? Let me know in the comments below!
